4 Common Causes of roof leaks and what to do next

Roof leaks are one of a homeowner’s worst nightmares. If left unchecked, a small leak can quickly turn into a larger problem and threaten the integrity of everything inside the home.

Part of  maintaining a sound home is identifying any threats that could cause your roof to leak. Let’s look at a few of the most common causes of roof leaks and what you can look for to mitigate them.

1. Broken Shingles

Your roof shingles add a special aesthetic to your home, but that’s not all they do. Shingles are installed specifically to drive water down your roof and into the gutters. Otherwise, the roof May absorb the rainwater, which can cause warping, leaks, and other defects.

When you have one or more cracked or missing shingles, your shingles are no longer able to perform the job they were intended to do.  Storm damage, high winds, and even general wear and tear can all cause shingles to break.

If a shingle is missing altogether, it’s relatively easy to spot because you’ll notice an uneven look to your roof. Any damaged or missing shingles will need to be replaced as soon as possible.

2. Cracked Flashing and Vent Booting

Roof flashing are thin strips of metal that are installed under your shingles and along the joints of your roof. Flashing creates a water resistant barrier so that roof leaks do not become a problem. However, just like any other part of your home, flashing can be vulnerable to damage. When it cracks, it can no longer provide the water resistance that it was designed for.

Also, the small pipes sticking up from your roof (called vents) have a seal at the bottom (called boots).  When this seal becomes cracked, damaged, or is improperly installed, water can get into the cracks around the vent and cause your roof to leak.

In this case, the boot will likely need to be replaced. This can be a DIY job if you have the right tools and skills. You will need to remove the old rubber boot and slide the new one under the shingles to where it fits flush with the roof. However, your roof’s Integrity will only be as good as your installation. It’s usually best to let a professional handle vent booting replacement to prevent future leaks.

3. Improperly Installed Skylights

 If you have skylights in your home, a poor seal can lead to roof leaks. These are usually easy to spot, as the leaks should occur directly under the skylight. However, leaks associated with your skylight can also be due to an issue with the flashing.

4. Clogged Gutters

your gutters have a very important job to do. As rain rolls down your roof and into the gutters, your gutters direct the water away from your home. But when your gutters are clogged, water collection stops. instead of redirecting the water away, it starts to build up and can let additional moisture linger on your roof.

Check your gutters on a regular basis to make sure that water can flow freely, especially during large storms.

Got a Roof Leak? Here’s What to Do Next

As soon as you notice the first signs of a roof leak, it’s important to connect with your LOCAL ROOFING EXPERTS as soon as possible. Small leaks are much easier and less costly to repair than large ones. Taking quick action can help you prevent the damage from becoming worse.  If you have a roof leak, get in touch with our team today