Do You Have a Great Roofing Contractor?

Trussville and the neighboring Birmingham area is filled with roofing contractors on every corner. These contractors are available to service the roof on your home or business, whether it is damaged, outdated, or in need of a repair or replacement. But, you can expect the best results only with the right roofing contractor on the […]

Is Your House Ready for a Roof Garden?

If you are dreaming of adding green to your house but is challenged with space, Laura Firszt had provided you with a list of things to know to have your own roof garden and achieve your Green Dream! Check your local laws Some places may require specific permits in building a roof garden. Knowing this […]

Signs it’s Time to Get A Replacement Roof

Sometimes a roof succumbs to its natural age and wears out without causing any roof failure. Perhaps the roof looks old, damaged, and simple diminishes the property appeal and value, and you know that it’s time to replace because more significant problems are down the road. But, there may also be signs that suggest the […]